Globally Challenging

Well, we're here at Day 2 of Global Academy. We're only about 24 hours in, but we are already in deep. No testing the water or wading in...we're taking on white caps.

So far, we've had some impactful guest speakers, rousing conversation, and challenging simulations. Tommy Spaulding, LC Board Member and Founder, started off the weekend with an impassioned encouragement to the students to travel and be globally literate. Regis University professors Dr. Jamie Roth and Dr. Lee Shannon spoke with our students this morning regarding global economics, the role of trade in our world, and foreign policy.

To start today, we began with a communication exercise called "Alpha Beta," in which Alpha's and Beta's are in different rooms playing different card games. At different points, we bring Alphas and Betas together to play the "same" game and watch the confusion boil over. The activity brings up fascinating discussion of cultural norms, communicating with different cultures, and being a good world traveler. Afterwards, we created more angst by simulating Game Theory through a variation of the classic "Prisoner's Dilemma" activity. With the old Alphas continually sticking it to the old Betas, a huge ethical debate was raised about foreign policy and the United States' role in the world arena. Should the U.S. ever strike first? Should the U.S. always be a "good guy?" What if someone sucker punches us? Do we still play the good guy? It made for great debate!!

Currently, we're experiencing the highlight of Academy so far. We have been visited by fourteen refugees from Congo, Eritrea, Somalia, Yemen, Tanzania and Bhutan. The refugees, ages 14-24, have been in the country from one month to 10 years and have been aided in their acclimation by the Spring Institute of Denver. Sharing their stories, perspectives, and backgrounds with us, we've been challenged, inspired, enriched. Badur, a refugee from Bhutan, even honored us with a video presentation about his experiences in Bhutanese refugee camps. The conclusion of his presentation included a heartfelt thank you to the United States of America for providing him the opportunity to escape the conflict of his native home.

Stay tuned for highlights from the WORLD talent show!

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